me against the world...

me against the world...

Saturday, April 17, 2010


first off..the weather is fucking hot!! cannot even sleep in my room...have to sleep in the hall or sleep in office...damm.
lots of plans made but a lot more being crushed...before even attempting..boring....
i think i/we all need to be inspired the same routine is definitely not the way to go..but who cares anyway? there's so many things to do and we've got so little time. found out that there's a lot more to do than drinking..obviously..but what to do..none share the same interest. or maybe it's an individual thing? or whatever the reason is. being an spontaneous person that i am..i cant stand months long planning besides my job requirement. if we have something awesome planned...let's execute it on the spot or in the nearest time.
just watched YES MAN yesterday with a was awesome that it keeps reminding you that what we need to do is embrace what ever shits or excitement thats coming your why not say yes to something new? hmmmm... i dunno what im babbling..
it's been a while since the last post.
more comin..

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